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Brilliant! Bold And Blue Dining Room Inspirations

Blue is not always the most common color to find in the dining room, but there’s no rule saying you can’t use it here. Its versatility makes it a great color to use in a number of settings.

Source: Mix & Match Design Co

There are so many different shades of blue to choose from. Midnight blue, sky blue, royal blue, navy, and turquoise are just a few options.

Source: Curated Interior

Here are some ways you can incorporate blue into your dining room decor.

Blue chandeliers

A chandelier in your dining room will help give it a classic look. Using a blue chandelier will definitely grab a lot of attention.

Source: Houzz

You can select a chandelier with blue accents or choose one that’s a bright color all over.

Source: Backsplash

You will certainly add a wow feature to your dining room decor with a vibrant chandelier.

Blue everywhere

As odd as it sounds, this will make a bold statement – one that will undoubtedly grab and keep attention. Here, we are going to go blue everywhere. The ceiling, chairs, walls, and furniture!

Source: Veranda

You can use a bold blue color throughout or set other, lighter, shades of blue against the solid blue theme. This will make your dining room look striking and sensational.

Blue artwork

You can also decide to use a little bit of blue with your artwork. Against a different color, especially lighter hues, blue reigns supreme.

Source: TLC Interiors

If you have an all-white theme, for instance, using a large blue framed piece or several small blue pieces on the wall would certainly make a statement.

Source: Houzz

Walls and chairs twinning with blue

Use a different color for the dining table so that the blue of the chairs and walls are accentuated.

Source: Life with Lish

Just the walls

Let your walls do the talking by using a deep shade of blue in your dining room.

Source: Teaselwood

Paint all the walls in your dining room, and there’s no need to match with anything else. Alternatively, you could make a statement wall by painting only one section blue.

Judith Ejike
I write for decoist.

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